Local breakfast
In the salon on the second floor breakfast is served every morning from 7.30 am. Selected breakfast delicacies are served on historical Meissener and contemporary Thuringian porcelain.
What makes the individual things so special is their origin and quality: Selected cheeses come from Käsehandel Rene Lang, we buy eggs at the market, the jam comes from the Marmeladenmädchen from Dresden, honey is bought from the beekeeper Grabein, coffee is delivered by the Leipzig coffee roastery Elstermühle and the rolls – small, white and firm – are brought every morning by David Glowka Patisserie.
Every Tuesday and Friday one of our employees goes to the Leipzig weekly market. Here you can find regional, seasonal and homemade goods. Then fruit, cheese and specialities in oil are individually selected and chatted with the market women. These are the little things you can taste.
Breakfast is not yet included in your booking. You are welcome to book our regional breakfast, which we offer as a buffet for € 18 per person and day (hot drinks such as coffee and tea included), subject to availability.